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Director of Wuhan Gardens Bureau Su nibin Group inspected Jinkou Project

  In the afternoon of 20 April 2015, Director of Wuhan Gardens Bureau, Su nibin Group inspected the construction site of the 10th China(Wuhan) International Garden Expo, for the purpose of researching the operation of Jinkou Landfill Aerobic Restoration Project. Among the Investigating Group are Pengtao(Director of the Garden Expo construction headquarter), Dong Chong(Department director of the Garden Expo construction headquarter), as well as Liu Wenbo(Department director of the Garden Expo construction headquarter). Dr. Shao Jingbang(Project Manager of Kinghome Environment), Zhu Longteng(Project Director of Kinghome Environment), as well as Hubo (Chief Financial Officer of Kinghome Environment) accompanied the inspection.
  Director Su Nibin listened to the introduction of restoration indexes and Aerobic Restoration Technology operation conditions, went to inspect the operation condition of the equipments, and expressed affirmation of this project.
  The project was started on 1 August 2014, after 8 months’ restoration and treatment, the ground surface settlement was about 3~15cm, the methane concentration is lower than 1%,  msw organic fraction content is lower than 15%, ambient air quality meets all the index level required as expected.
  Aerobic restoration technology enables us to degraded landfills within 1-2 years, which takes hundreds of years to degrade naturally. As the landfill problem brought by rapid urbanization are becoming hidden problem of Major City Zone, this reliable technology with short treatment period and obvious effect will become the main technology to solve this problem in quite a long time.