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Municipal solid waste treatment engineering

    Advanced Technology of Heat and Power Generation Based on Waste Pyrolysis and Gasification

  Technical Principle

  The pyrolysis and gasification incinerator, called the third generation waste dispose technology, is a process changing wastes into combustible and recyclable solid residues in an enclosed and oxygen-deficient environ- ment with high temperature and pressure. The combustible gas obtained after pyrolysis can combust at a high temperature and then realizes power generation and heat supply through a steam generator system. The inorganic components in the waste form glassy residues after be- ing melted and hardened at an extraordinarily high temperature and the glassy residues can be used as road paving materials or building materi- als. All the water generated in the process is purified and recycled. The gases, solids and water generated in the whole process are all recyclable after treatment, so the emissions after waste treatment are reduced greatly. There is no fly ash during waste treatment; there is no wastewater to dis- charge, solids or ash residues to landfill after waste treatment.All the mac- romolecular organic matters during pyrolysis are broken into micromolec- ular combustible gas and combusted at an extraordinarily high tempera- ture of 1700. The conditions for dioxin generation does not exist during the process; the valued metals in waste are not oxidized and such metals as Cu and Fe do not form catalysts promoting dioxin generation.

  Technical Process



   Technical Equipment


   Technical Feature

  Treating municipal and industrial hazardous wastes

  Lower operation cost

  Substantial heat for recycling

  Residues (accounting for 3% - 5% of the original volume) for road paving, building construction, etc.

  Most of solid wastes and liquid wastes can be treated

  Emission standard compliant with the hazardous waste standard of the EU, in line with or higher than all the existing emission standards

  Technical Advantage

  High energy conversion efficiency(heat utilization rate up to 60 % to 80 % through heat and power generation)

  No secondary pollution caused by dioxins, fly ash and ash residues, small environmental impact

  Suitable for various wastes, regardless of the heat value range

  Suitable for small-scale production and highly flexible with modular boiler design for different needs

  Simple structure, easy maintenance and low operation cost